Linear vs. Leveraged Income
Which would you rather earn?
By David Voth, Best Selling Author
First, let’s define linear and leveraged income:
Linear Income: You are basically trading your time for money. You go to a job and give your company 40 hours per week. In exchange for your time, the company pays you an income. The problem with a linear income job is that when you stop working the income stops too! A linear income job not only has an earnings cap, it is also based on you constantly working.
Leveraged Income: This form of income can be generated several ways. One way is where you do the work once and you get paid recurring income for doing the work. An example of this is royalties. Or you create something that may take a couple of years, but once it’s built it continues to pay you. Another form of leveraged income is income earned through other people’s efforts. J. Paul Getty, believed to be the richest man in the world, said: “I would rather make 1 percent on the efforts of 100 people than 100 percent on my own efforts.”
Since there are only 24 hours in a day, there’s only so much you can earn as a result of your own efforts. This key concept of leverage is the cornerstone of network and affiliate marketing.
GAMP (Global Affiliate Marketing Pros) was created to help its members earn leveraged income two ways. First, as the company’s name reveals, it is an affiliate program where once you become a member you can earn a referral fee for everyone you subscribe, and a referral fee for everyone they subscribe. The second way GAMP helps you earn leveraged income is my giving you the training, leads, sales and marketing tools, and system to recruit people to your network marketing company and to sell their products.
» Click here to see the kind of money you can earn as a GAMP affiliate «
So you have a choice, you can either sign up for the 40-40-40 plan (The idea that you work 40 hours per week for 40 years of your life in order to retire on 40% of your pay), or you can hustle for a few years building a business and then enjoy the time freedom gained by your efforts. It’s amazing how some people feel that 2-5 years in business is a long time to get rich, but don’t feel that 40 years at a job is a long time to stay broke.
Can you afford to live on 40% of what you were living on while working for 40 hours per week for 40 years?
If your answer is ‘NO’ then start earning or increasing your leveraged income today.
Learn more » gampitup.com
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“You can get everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want.”
~ Zig Ziglar
The post Linear vs. Leveraged Income – GAMP appeared first on Grant Cardone TV.