Lots of people can write, but very few people know how to sell. I’ve said before that everyone should write a book because you need your name and brand out there and should establish yourself as an authority in your space. Having written 7 books that have sold millions of copies I can tell you that books don’t directly bring home a lot of bank, but they are great for expanding your brand and getting known to people around the world.
So, I wanted to share with any aspiring authors out there a testimonial from a young man who is living proof my books and programs can take someone who knows nothing about sales and turns them into a master.
“I am a regular viewer of Cardone Zone and Young Hustlers, but I first came into contact with Grant when my dad gave me his book for Christmas. My Dad said, ‘They won’t teach you this in business school: sales. No matter what you choose to go into you are selling in some way, and this guy has a lot of great lessons to share.’ I finished The 10X Rule that very day and started following Grant throughout the rest of my college career. Here are three lessons that I have learned from him that helped me publish an Amazon Bestselling book at 21 years old.
1. Hustle can overcome a lot of obstacles.
I had never received an A in Grammar, nor have I ever proclaimed to be strong in the subject. I felt that I had learned a lot through trying and failing many times with internships and that I had a lot of value to add to students looking to jumpstart their career during school. I followed Grant’s advice of staying the road and being persistent. I went through six cover designers and had many naysayers saying that a college kid couldn’t publish a book. In your darkest times where you are close to quitting, keep putting one foot in front of the other. And not only that, step up your effort levels to push yourself to be better.
2. Setting the bar high and really driving towards that goals without making excuses.
I wanted to write a book that helped the most students I possibly could, and I wanted to seek great mentors to guide me through the writing process. I knew writing my first book would be a long toil and I wanted some successful authors to reach out to for advice. I tweeted and emailed Grant several times and he responded with some amazing advice that has played a huge part in the book’s success. I think that says a lot about Grant’s character that he took the time to respond to a stranger with advice. Thank you, Grant!
3. It all comes down to selling product.
You could write the best book this world has ever seen, but if no one knows about it then help and enjoyment is brought to very few. I am still in the process of working on my marketing and sales efforts but Grant’s content online and in his books has helped me get the book into Universities and high schools as required reading, and they have seen a lot of success with it.
In conclusion, thank you, Grant, for all your guidance in this process.”
— Carl Schlotman
You too can become a bestselling author—or whatever goal you set as a target—if you just make a commitment to it. Every serious commitment requires time and money. It’s not just about the hustle, you have to have skill. All the hustle in the world will not change the fact that if you don’t know how to sell, nobody is going to buy your product.
I want you to get massively successful.
Get a ticket to 10X Growth Con and let’s make 2017 the best year of your life. I just booked a yacht for the first night of the conference and I will be giving away a free ride in my personal jet—10X airlines. Learn more here.
Be great,