I grew up being taught to go to school, get good grades, go to college, get a job, buy a house, and then save for retirement. I assume you were taught that too, right? This is the description of the American dream. The problem is I didn’t follow the steps in order. I saw an issue with this sequence of goals and the issue was I didn’t know why I was pursuing the next goal. It is all predicated on a person agreeing that they like the step they are on and the next step in order is worthy of their time, attention, and energy. I’ll be honest, at the age of 12, I did not think college was worth my time, attention, or energy. So, I didn’t go. Instead I worked. I was fortunate to get in as a head personal trainer at a local chain of gyms and earn a decent wage at a steady job at the age of 19. I got to experience what comes after the “go to college” step without having to go to college. What I experienced was that the $40,000/year I was making was simply enough to cover my essentials and keep me working so I’d have enough. It was a rat wheel. It took about a year of that and I realized that I needed to become an entrepreneur. In today’s world, being an entrepreneur is really the only solution to the personal financial crisis that Americans are having. All financial problems stem from a lack of income. We don’t get big enough pay raises, which means we must earn more income.
So, what is an entrepreneur? The dictionary defines it as “a person who organizes and manages any enterprise, especially a business, usually with considerable initiative and risk.” Its origin is French and means “one who undertakes and manages”. So being an entrepreneur means a person undertakes the management a business, takes considerable initiative, and accepts some degree of risk. I want to tell you how to successfully become an entrepreneur.
- Find the right vehicle: When I began, I found the right vehicle immediately. Believe it or not, that vehicle was financial services. By finding the right vehicle I do not mean “do what you love”. We are becoming entrepreneurs because we aren’t doing what we love in life and we want to find a way to change that. The right vehicle is something that you can ethically agree with, something that makes money, and something that lots of people will place value on and therefore purchase. I was not passionate about life insurance and mutual funds. Not even a little bit. But I took the first step. As I got skilled I began to like it more. We like things we are great at.
- Start part-time: Many of us cannot just quit our job and start a business. At some point, it needs to happen but ideally that is with a little money saved up, enough skill at selling and closing people on our service, and confidence in ourselves that we control our own economy. I didn’t have any of those things when I began. So, I started as a part-time entrepreneur. I worked a few appointments every week and made a few extra thousand dollars here and there. I did this for years. It allowed me to keep a steady living wage, earn additional income, and the result was also that I spent more time learning and growing and less time in front of the tv which was really good for me.
- Find the right driver: I don’t suggest going 100% solo as an entrepreneur. Running a business is one of the loneliest things a person can do. The isolation can actually slow us down because we don’t have someone to learn from. A few years into my entrepreneurship I realized I was in the right vehicle but with the wrong driver. My trainer had goals vastly smaller than mine. He was a nice guy, but I was out-growing and out-learning him every week. I needed a leader that I would struggle to keep up with and a leader that I had confidence in to take me where I want to go. Make sure you have that leader when you begin your entrepreneurship.
- Stick with it: Most people that begin this endeavor may quit. It says nothing about entrepreneurship, yet it says everything about those people. Quitters quit things because that is their habit. It is simply their energy and it emanates. If you look, they actually quit everything. They quit going to the gym, they quit eating right, they quit being married, they quit on their friends, they quit on themselves…. They’re just quitters. My point? Never listen to a quitter unless you want to be one too. It took me 3 years before I really made it as an entrepreneur. I worked part-time for 36 months before I had enough income to quit my job and be a full-time entrepreneur. Stick with it.
A good entrepreneurially endeavor is one that will produce more than $1000/mo. with fairly minimal work, that lines up with your ethics, that can be started part-time, and is led by someone who has the Whatever It Takes mindset.
If you decide to become an entrepreneur I want to offer you a position on my team. I am looking for 6-part time entrepreneurs to train with myself and my top Wealth Coach. The average part-time entrepreneur in my company makes $1400/mo. and this can be achieved working less than 30 hours a month. Click here to learn more about this opportunity. It is not unusual for a part-time entrepreneur to become full-time over the course of 18 months, quit their job, and double their income from what they had been making. If you’re interested in this, we can get you started with a free DISC personality assessment. Click here to take the assessment and learn to how become an entrepreneur with A.G. Capital Group.
Own Your Potential!
Jerry Fetta
Jerry Fetta is a husband, son of Yahweh, Entrepreneur and owner of 5 privately held businesses. Jerry lives in Alaska with his wife and 2 dogs. His no-nonsense approach to business, finances, and life speaks truth and provides clarity to his clients and followers. His personal mission in life is to empower millions of leaders to own their God-given, ultimate potential.
The post Why You Must Become an Entrepreneur – Jerry Fetta appeared first on Grant Cardone TV.