Ted McGrath has created 5 Household Brands and Made Millions Teaching Coaches, Speakers, and Service Based Business Owners How To Turn Their Life Story Into A Message That Impacts Millions and Makes Millions.
Click here to get access to your perfect BluePrint for Building Funnels – http://m2m.tedmcgrathbrands.com/cardone-perfect-funnel-blueprint
He is in the Coaching, Speaking and Information Business as well as The Entertainment Industry, where he has taken his Life Story and Turned it into a 75 minute One Man Theater Show, where he plays 10 Characters on stage from his Life Story, Called GOOD ENOUGH.
Ted has created a movement called The Good Enough Movement, where he believes people all around the world are struggling to follow their message, their calling, and their gift, because they just don’t feel good enough.
He has devoted his life to transformation, storytelling, and helping others share their true message with the world.
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